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NZX ANNOUNCEMENT / MEDIA RELEASE 20 February 2025 South Port Appoints Intern Director South Port NZ Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Grant to its Board of Directors for a term of 18 months as an Intern Director. The appointee will be an observer only and is not considered to be a “director” under either the Companies Act 1993 or NZX Listing Rule 3.20. Sam is an Investment Advisor with Craigs Investment Partners. South Port’s Board Chair, Philip Cory-Wright said “South Port is Southland’s only NZX listed company and a key player in the southern logistics supply chain. This internship offers a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of corporate governance alongside experienced directors with expertise across various sectors and industries.” This internship is aligned with the Southland Corporate Governance Intern Programme, which aims to build governance capability in Southland and provide opportunities for aspiring directors to advance their governance careers. “Sam is Southland born and bred, based in Gore where he is employed as an Investment Advisor. He has a background in finance and risk management, and his skills will transition well to the governance setting. This appointment gives him first-hand practical experience in a commercial board setting where he can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table,” says Mr Cory-Wright. Sam Grant commented “I am honoured to join South Port as an Intern Director. This opportunity allows me to gain invaluable insights into corporate governance and contribute to the strategic direction of Southland's only listed company. I look forward to learning from the experienced board members and bringing my skills in finance and risk management to the boardroom. Being a proud Southlander, I am excited to give back to the community and help drive its growth and success.” ENDS For further information contact: Mr Nigel Gear Chief Executive South Port New Zealand Ltd Tel: (03) 212 8159 Email: ngear@southport.co.nz Mr Philip Cory-Wright Chair South Port New Zealand Ltd Mobile: 021 767 828 philip@cory-wright.co.nz