Recognised Stock Exchanges

NZ RegCo has approved the following stock exchanges for the purposes of eligibility to apply to NZX to list as a Foreign Exempt Issuer:

Security Type

Australian Securities Exchange



Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited


HKEX Main Board

London Stock Exchange Group


Premium Listing on Main Market

NASDAQ Stock Market


Global Select Market

Singapore Exchange


SGX Mainboard

TMX Group Inc


Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)

*Applies to Managed Investment Products listed on ASX (not AQUA market), governed by Part 5C of the Corporations Act 2001.

Issuers of other security types, or with listings on markets other than those set out above, are encouraged to engage with NZ RegCo to discuss whether they may be eligible to list under the NZX Foreign Exempt Issuer regime.

Under the NZX Main Board/Debt Market Listing Rules, NZX may declare that any of the NZX Listing Rules will apply to a Foreign Exempt Issuer. Such declarations are made on a case by case basis. NZX notes the following will likely be subject to assessment on application as an NZX Foreign Exempt Issuer:

Listing Type
Declaration assessment

Equity listing on NASDAQ or TSX

NZX will assess possible declarations applying:

  • NZX Listing Rules relating to issuing new securities, in particular, in relation to the limits that are applicable in respect of different types of capital raisings
  • NZX Listing Rules relating to shareholder approval of Major Transactions or Related Party Transactions

All listing applications remain subject to NZX discretion.